Wooden heavy duty bridge


Last week, employees of the Office for Land and Buildings (AGG) and the Civil Engineering Office of the Canton of Bern visited the Competence and Innovation Center Wood Biel. In addition to wildlife crossings in timber construction, the focus was particularly on the feasibility study on heavy-duty bridges.

The program focused on the motion «Research and innovation of wood as a material for use in infrastructure construction as a decarbonization contribution», which was initiated in 2021. During the visit, the employees of the AGG and Civil Engineering Office gained insight into the wood research competencies of the Bern University of Applied Sciences and the great potential of the motion for the climate neutrality of Switzerland.

Erich von Siebenthal, National Councillor and President of Lignum Bern, opened the event. He was followed by speeches by Sebastian Wörwag, Rector of BFH, and Peter Staub, Director of the Department of Architecture, Wood and Construction, who highlighted the aspirations for sustainable development.

The team led by Martin Geiser, head of the Institute for Timber Construction, Structures and Architecture IHTA, used specific projects to present the performance of wood for decarbonizing infrastructure buildings. In addition to wildlife overpasses in timber construction, the focus was particularly on the feasibility study on heavy-duty bridges. A corresponding model in the courtyard served as an illustrative example.

Further information on infrastructure buildings in timber construction and the motion can be found here.

During the aperitif, in-depth discussions could be held and the network could be cultivated. We would like to thank Lignum Holzwirtschaft Bern and the Bern University of Applied Sciences for organizing such a successful event.