Allenlüften school complex, Municipality Mühleberg


New building extension of the Allenlüften school complex (Mühleberg municipality) - the winning project of the Planrand GmbH architectural office.

Facts and images
Construction Data
South facade
South facade
East facade
East facade
East facade
East facade
Architectural model
Architectural model

The project
With the new building for the extension of the school complex Allenlüften (municipality of Mühleberg) the winning project of the architectural office Planrand GmbH from the competition was realized. The building contains several classrooms, three kindergartens and a day school with the corresponding ancillary rooms.

The construction method
The simple new building with dimensions of approximately 20 x 56 m and a height of about 12.5 m was constructed as a reinforced concrete skeleton structure with a curtain-type wooden facade. In the three kindergartens there are also small gallery-like fixtures. The focus of attention for this building was the facade. A formwork was used which, thanks to the Biood pre-greying method from Schillinge Holz AG, has a uniform gray-silver appearance.

Construction Data

- 50 m3 Structural timber C24

- 765 m2 OSB boards

- 940 m2 Soft fiber boards

- 1220 m2 Facade formwork

Services of Timbatec

- SIA phase 31 preliminary project

- Cost estimate

- SIA Phase 32 Construction project

- Structural analysis and design

- SIA Phase 41 Tendering and comparison of offers

- SIA Phase 51 Implementation project

- Site supervision and site inspections

Mühleberg Residents' Association
3203 Mühleberg

Planrand Architekten GmbH
3095 Spiegel b. Bern

Civil engineer
WAM Ingenieure + Planer AG
3005 Bern

Building physics
Weber Energy and Building Physics
3012 Bern

Beer Holzbau AG
3072 Ostermundigen

Timber Construction Engineers
Timbatec Holzbauingenieure Schweiz AG, Thun
3600 Thun


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